What is a Perennial Plant?
Perennials are plants that can live for more than two years. These are mostly small, flower-producing plants that bloom and grow in the spring and summers. They do fade away in autumn and fall, but then they come back to life on the arrival of the next spring.
The rootstock of perennials remains alive in the winter days and helps reignite the plants, so they are back blooming flowers in the coming spring. These plants are mostly planted in the autumn and are expected to bloom in the coming spring seasons.
What are Some of the Easiest Perennial Plants and Flowers to Grow?
There are a variety of perennial plants and flowers. For a beginner, the best ones are those that are easy to grow and take care of. You can choose from the classic reliable, beautiful, and easy-care perennials. Following are perennial flowers and plants that are quite easy to grow.
Black-eyed Susan
A popular garden perennial plant is black-eyed Susan. The plant’s original name is rudbeckia, which signifies its joy to grow. These plants grow like waves of happy, daisy-like blooms. They grow in the summer all the way to fall.
Black-eyed Susans mostly have orange or yellow petals and a dark center. These grow about two feet tall and will bloom in the first year right from seed. These plants are native to the United States and are resistant to insects and drought.
To grow black-eyed Susan, you should know that they do not always thrive in one spot. You can use the seeds to transport the plants to wherever you want to add some floral life.
A hardy perennial called salvia can survive the extreme cold of Minnesota and nearby areas, yet they can also survive in hot and humid areas. These perennials have deep blue flowers and grow in a variety of areas. To grow these plants effectively, sheer them back one-third of their height whenever they stop blooming.
A burst of sunshine can be brought into your garden with this bright yellow perennial plant. These plants grow up to 18 inches tall, and they produce double or single flowers. The delicate and fine flowers look like dancing blooms whenever wind hits them.
These perennials can withstand the heat and cold of different regions and can take survive some neglect when it comes to water and fertilizer. To grow these plants, you must place them in front of your garden’s border so that you can remove the flowers that fade. Doing this will extend their bloom time during summer.
Purple Coneflower
We once didn't have as many options in this type of perennial plant. However, the hybridizers tweaked these flowers a bit, so we now have many more options. You can now choose double and even triple flowering varieties that include white, orange, raspberry, and yellow colors.
It is important to recognize that single flowering plants live longer than double ones. Before buying any plant, make sure you check the hardiness of the plants and see if any other type would live longer in winters.
When to Plant Perennials?
Perennials are plants that can survive longer than two to three years and keep blooming according to the seasons. To make sure you grow them in the best way to get the most time out of their beautiful flowers, you should know about perennial plant care and watering.
Perennial plant care is not a hard task, but make sure you do it the right way. Prepare the soil to plant the perennials, dig a hole and set the roots of the plant in it. Keep watering well afterward.
Perennials can grow in every situation and garden. They thrive and make the most out of their beauty. There are all kinds of perennials available to suit various conditions like shady or sunny areas, wet or dry soil, etc., but you must have the right knowledge to choose an appropriate plant for the right location. Otherwise, the perennial might not survive or thrive.
Most perennials are best suited in new beds and borders where they are sheltered from extreme winds, and the sun falls fully. These plants can also be grown in difficult areas like dry, shaded locations.
Are you wondering when to plant your perennial? These plants are grown during spring or autumn when the ground or soil is mostly moist.
How to Plant Garden Perennials
To grow perennials, you must ensure proper perennial plant care so that these plants can grow to full bloom. You can get bare-root clumps from gardeners or get them mailed to you.
Once, you have your perennials, prepare the soil. If you are planning to create a new border, do a double dig to remove every extra weed in the area of sowing. If you are not double digging, remove the weeds and do a single dig. Now arrange the clumps of bare root on the soil surface to see how they will appear.
Next, use a spade and create a hole in the soil that is deep enough to let the clump sit right. Use your hands for small clumps and firm the soil back into place. Water evenly. Watering will help settle the soil and will prevent desiccation.
You are now ready to plant perennials in your garden. Perennials are the first step to garden greatness. Prepare to be delighted every time a perennial flower sprouts up to bring more color to your garden and your world.
For more information about perennials, gardening or even gorgeous flower arrangements, contact our expert florists at Flower Island serving areas around Chula Vista, CA .